Biological mother, surrogate deliver on same day in Gujarat.
AHMEDABAD: The joys of parenthood eluded Yogesh Sharma and his wife Reena for 14 long years despite trying out the latest medical treatment. But the pain they suffered was alleviated one fine day. Both Reena and the surrogate they hired simultaneously became pregnant. On October 12, the couple got two children as both the mother and the surrogate delivered on the same day.
"I had only heard of God's generosity, but I experienced it for the first time when I held my son and daughter, delivered through two different wombs. This is the most precious gift we have received", said Sharma, who is in the defence forces and lives in Delhi. The couple came to Gujarat's Anand to hire a surrogate.
"This is one of the rare cases where both the natural mother and surrogate get pregnant simultaneously. This is the first such double pregnancy and delivery at our centre and the first in India as well," says surrogacy specialist Dr Naina Patel who has made Anand the world's surrogacy capital.
The Sharma couple is seeing this as a miracle. "We had lost hope. I underwent four procedures of artificial insemination and four in vitro fertilization ( IVF) cycles. All these did not result in a pregnancy", says Reena.
The distraught couple decided to adopt. When they applied, the waiting period was two-and-a-half years. As both were nearing 40, they decided to use the waiting period to try out surrogacy instead.
"The embryo was implanted on February 27 and we were overjoyed to hear that the surrogate mother had conceived on March 5. Our happiness knew no bounds when Reena too became pregnant on March 12," says Yogesh.
When the surrogate mother got labour pains on October 12, Reena decided to go for cesarean section so that the children are born on the same day.